DMS setups

DMS setups

According to brand / customer needs, Totus DMS supports very complex and versatile capabilities. In complex – high level setups, you are able to support your national and multi/single setups retailers with various data (such ase: centralized pricelists, stocks, stock markets, …) from single database. According to that, Totus DMS supports these setups:

  • Multinational setups (region)
    • This setup is used when brand needs to coordinate report, handle data, pricelists, stock, sales terms etc on multi nation level. That means that in this kind of setups, there are more than one national databases involved (more than one country database.
  • National setup
    • If brand company office is located nation wide, this setup is appropriate.
  • Retail or multi-site setup
    • Retail setup is used when customer has more than one sites of his company.
  • Single location setup
    • This is simplest and most used setup – single company that handles all the features and data